A good quote…

President Gordon B. Hinckley said, “Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.” (Gordon B. Hinckley, “Words of the Prophet: You Can Be Forgiven,” New Era, Oct 2001,  4)

I have thought a lot about this lately. I think the mode I have been in is just enduring…have to get through another day, have to survive another tantrum, have to clean the house again, make dinner again, go to the grocery store again…etc. But am I really enjoying my life? Am I really noticing the blessings that I have? Two beautiful, healthy girls, a kind, loving husband; all who I love so much. And I am starting to really understand what it means to enjoy life as I consider my blessings. Are you enduring or ar you enjoying?

Think about it…

I mean, how could I not enjoy this:

Katie being silly

(right now as I write this, Katie is making faces at herself in the bathroom mirror and really giggling at herself)

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